Having Bloating, Gas, Cough, Shortness Of Breath. Advised To Do Endoscopy, Chemical Stress Test Of Heart. What Is Wrong?
Need for further investigations.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in.
From the description which you have given there could be quite a few possibilities.
1. Gall stone disease.
2. Diverticular disease of the colon.
The investigations advised would be
a. ultrasound of examination.(for gall stone disease)
b. colonoscopic evaluation of the colon.(for diverticular disease and malignancy)
c. complete blood count.(for infection due to diverticular disease)
d. stool examination.(occult blood or XXXXXXX blood suggests ulcerated lesions)
e. CEA levels in the blood.(suggestive of malignancy)
For the chest problem he requires evaluation by chest xray and pulmonary function test followed by specific treatment.
I hope this answers your doubt.