Having Burning Neck Pain. CT And MRI Scan Normal. Feeling Chest Pain And Hoarse Voice. Guide
any recommendations would be helpful
I am Dr. Omer, I am here to answer your question and will be happy to answer your follow up questions
As you have said you are a patient of hypoThyroidism , hope your TSH is normal with thyroxine , suffering from burning sensation , feeling of lump in throat , with multiple ent reviews , ct scan , mri with and with out contrast are normal
I think you may be having obstructed sleep apnea, OSA , due to obesity and hypothyroidism
You have burning sensation in throat , I would say choking , thick saliva?
Burning sensation in your case has following reasons
1. Thyroiditis causing hypothyroidism
Have you been tested for thyroiditis
2 is there any choking , post nasal drip , thick saliva , difficult to swallow , snoring at night? ...... With burning sensation in morning through out the day?
3.chronic nose allergy with post nasal drip at night due to hypothyroidism.... But your ent speciAlist would have ruled it out
4 gerd..... With regurgitation at night .. Due to more acid production at night causing burning in throat ... But prolisec should have solved it
5 i need to know how is your sleep and problems faced by you when you are asleep..... Your husband can tell this better
I hope this helps and I need more information as I asked you few questions
Hope I will be helpful
Take care
How about the heaviness in the chest? Also when I eat yogurt or any spicy foods (which I now avoid) the burning is worse.
As you have told that you are in perfect shape and you do a lot of exercises, with the best BMI in respect to your height I would suggest OSA(Obstructive sleep apnea) is ruled out.
Now the thing left is that when you see or eat spicy things your pain aggravates with heaviness in chest, burning sensation in throat clearly points to GERD.
For GERD the best medicine is omeprazole which you are taking but I would recommend 40 mg in morning and before going to sleep.
The trick of omeprazole is that you have to take it empty stomach otherwise it’s all wasted.
You need tablet domperidone to prevent regurgitation when you are asleep.
There is a new medicine for GERD given in resistant cases known as ipopride.
There is a famous bug known as H. Pylori that causes burning sensation with chest heaviness. Almost all GERD patients have chest heaviness. Do test for that bug.
Your age though you are in perfect shape, simple EKG will rule out heart problems.
Anxiety or stress can cause excessive acid production in stomach.
Antacids are another group that makes a coat on your stomach and you would like to eat spicy foods too with that. GERD will disappear, but if symptoms don’t resolve in 4 weeks, an endoscopy will be required to see the erosions in stomach and relaxing of sphincter of food tube just behind your heart and chest.
I hope this helps, happy to answer your further questions
Take care,