Having Celiac. Took Lasix For BP. Diagnosed With Lung Cancer. Getting Rashes Due To Celiac. Treatment?
1.Since it has been five days of stopping Lasix,please do not go back and start again. Lasix will require tapering only if you have been on it for years.
2.If you are medication free and off smoking too,why do you want to start Chantrix?Please be strong and abstain from the drug and the tobacco.
3.It is really very difficult to control the Dermatitis herpetiformis unless you can achieve strict gluten control.You need to stop eating out,avoid all ready made foodstuff for fear of contamination with gluten.Dapsone is a drug which can help with the rash but it has its own side effects,your doctor or Dermatologist can guide you regarding its need/use.A strict gluten free diet will help eliminating the rash.
I was in Lasix for for 3 years.
Thanks so much.
Stopping smoking at your age cuts the cardiac risk by 40 %, risks of stroke, lung diseases and malignancy also go down significantly. You age increases by almost 3-4 years as shown by statistics. Being mentally strong and stopping smoking cold XXXXXXX would be the best. Cutting down offers no benefit. The lung function improves significantly after a year of stopping smoking and may recover to a large degree.
If you find yourself failing, getting counselling by a Psychiatrist/Therapist may be of value, medication may be added if required.
Hope this answers your question. Let me know if you need clarity.