Having Chest And Upper Back Pain. X-ray And CT Scan Normal. Took Pain Medication. Suggest What Can Be Done?
im 24 years old non smoking (quit before 4 months)
i had chest pains about a month ago. During my chest pain i also had mild upper back pain. I had a xray and ct at that time, it came back normal.
now for the past 1 and a half week i have been having back pain between my scapula.
have taken pain medication .. Not helping. Although the pain is not constant. It is there every evening after i come back from work. I have been very stressed regarding this. Dont know what to do.
I am sorry for your ill health. Your chest and upper back pain may be due to various possibilities. Some minor problems like musculoskeletal conditions which may be caused by your sitting posture may be one possible cause but at the same time there is possibility that some serious conditions like Angina which is pain related to heart's blood supply and aortic dissection, a condition effecting the largest blood vessel which comes out of heart needs to be excluded as soon as possible based on the symptoms you described.
If you were my patient, I would immediately check your blood pressure since blood pressure varies widely in different arms in aortic dissection and do a quick physical exam. Based on the findings I would go for investigations like ECG, 2D ECHO etc. I feel that the symptoms described by you needs an emergency evaluation. Please see an XXXXXXX medicine doctor as soon as possible.
Please let me know if you have any further queries!
Hope this helps!
Thanks for your reply.
I have hardly have any chest pain now it has subsided for about three weeks now.
It is just the back that is bothering me. When i had been to the doctor the last time my blood pressure 70/110. I also feel dizzy some times. Even when i had chest pain they were mild and occasional lasted for seconds sometimes minutes.
Thanks for the update and follow up. I want to reassure you that the possibilities of the conditions which I have mentioned are very rare in your case. But still based on the symptoms you have described particularly the back pain in between the two scapulae and feeling dizzy, we should definitely exclude the possibility of Aortic dissection. If you were my patient, I do not want to take any risk even if the possibility is very rare.
Please let me know if you have any further queries!
Hope this helps!