Having Chest Pain. X-ray Showed Area/shadow In Lower/middle Of Right Lung. CT Scan Showed Normal Lung. Why The Descrepancy?
CT scan with cobtrast showed full normal lung function.
Why the descrepancy?
Undesired patient movement while taking X XXXXXXX
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing into us.
I have read through your query in detail. I am a practicing Radiologist and have come across problems like the one faced by you.
Chest X XXXXXXX appearances vary a lot in children due to the positioning/ breathing of the patient and if there is the slightest of patient rotation, the X XXXXXXX may show suspicious changes as you have mentioned "shadow in lower/ middle of right lung". This may even be due to the normal structures causing an appearance like that of a problem area due to undesired patient movement while taking the chest X XXXXXXX
However, it is important to confirm certain findings (even on suspicion) by doing a CT scan chest after the chest X XXXXXXX especially if the patient is showing signs of severe illness. CT scan is very accurate in picking up any problems in the lungs. If the CT scan report says normal, you need not worry about anything.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back in case of doubts.
Just confused as to what is showing on the xray given that at least 5 of them have the same area and were taken from the age of 10 months to 20months.
First was taken due to possible swallowing of a small toy which didnt happen.
Than you..
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome and thanks for writing in with an update.
Its good to confirm any doubtful areas once and for all by doing a CT scan. When we are dealing with a 10 months child even the slightest doubts need to be clarified and confirmed.