Having Constant Body Aches And Shooting Pain Through Joints. Tested For Lyme, Lower Neck And Back Ache. Advise?
August, all joints, shooting pains through thigh and lower arms. No fever, tested for Lyme (live and play in woods,fields) lower neck ache and lower back ache. Advise?
Polyarthritis can be rheumatoid athritis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us;
I have studied your case with diligence.
As per your symptoms there is possibility of rheumatoid arthritis.
If you can describe your symptoms in detail, I will be able to help you better.
Can you also answer the following questions?
Do you have morning stiffness?
Swelling over small joints?
Pins and needle sensation in extremities?
I will advise you some blood investigation like RA factor, CRP, ACCP, ESR.
Taking medications by consulting orthopaedic surgeon after doing few tests will give you relief from your pain.
Another differential can be nerve compression due to spinal cord pathology. Good clinical examination and if required MRI spine will help ruling out this diagnosis.
I hope that I have answered your query. Let me know if I can help you further.
Take care