Having Constant Pain In Arm, Mainly Shoulder And Neck. Have HX For CHF. Reason For Pain?
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Since you have ongoing pain in your left arm, shoulder and neck, it can be very well a pain related to heart. The distribution of heart/anginal pain can be anywhere from umbilicus upwards to lower jaw, including both arms. Hence, any pain in this region can be a cardiac pain, until an alternate cause is established by your healthcare provider. Moreover, you have risk factors like obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension & post-menopausal status, which predispose to anginal heart disease.
An acute (sudden) anginal pain can start even in the absence of risk factors and in the absence of any history of angina on exertion.
The other possibilities can be of a local pain or dyspepsia. Usually the pain of heart will not be exacerbated or induce by moving your shoulder or pressing upon it, which points towards a local cause.
However, all these different causes should be considered by healthcare providers.
I would request you visit emergency room, get yourself examined and proceed accordingly.
Again, I repeat, do not take a chance and must visit emergency room.
Hope everything turns favorable.
Sukhvinder Singh