Having Dull Ache In Chest And Indigestion. Suffering From Catarrah. Throat And Nose Block. Need Advise?
Heart issue or acid reflux.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
Such pain can be caused by heart issue or by acid reflux due to stomach issues.
1. Heart pain is usually dull, burning, squeezing like. It is not well localized. Usually sensed in the left or middle chest. Can radiate to the left arm or jaw. Shortness of breath, dizziness, fear of death can appear. Heart pain can be triggered by physical activity or stress.
2. Acid reflux pain is dull and burning like. Usually triggered by a meal (fatty foods, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol). Can appear when lying down after a meal. Nausea can be present as well. Acid reflux pain should not radiate to the left arm or jaw.
Depending of which reason is most probable you should:
- have heart ECG, heart ultrasound, stress test and consider coronarography in case f heart issue
- have abdominal ultrasound, blood work and gastroscopy in case of acid reflux
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.