Having Gas With Pricking Pain In Stomach Associated With Back Pain. Urine Contains Puss Cells. Advise?
I am so sorry to hear about what your daughter is experiencing.
I understand how painful it is to watch a loved one go through all this.
I am Dr. Ditah and I will be helping you with this today.
From her history of PCOD, these symptoms may actually be caused by the cysts becoming bigger and exerting pressure on the surrounding structures. This can explain a majority of the symptoms she feels like lower back pain on both sides, pain in the rectum etc. The ESR of 18 and some pus cells on urine analysis are grossly normal as expected if this be the case. A quick ultrasound can provide more information about this.
Also, her symptoms and the preliminary findings, raise the suspicion of IBS) or dyspepsia. These diagnoses are diagnoses of exclusion. This means that she need to do some more testing to make sure there is no other disease that could explain this. In this regard, stool exam, a plain abdominal film, an abdominal ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy etc. These will all go along way to help us.
I will suggest that she XXXXXXX with her primary care doctor. S/He will be able to make some more detailed interview and request for these tests, too. Depending on the outcome, she would be prescribed drugs and given advice that will be very helpful to make her feel better.
I hope this provides good guidance and helps you as you strive to get answers and solutions that will make your daughter feel better.
Feel free to come and ask more question or request for more information if need be. Thank you!
Dr. Ditah, MD.