Having Headache, Nausea, Heart Palpitation, Weight Gain And Shortness Of Breath. Any Cure?
Occasional nausea, speech slurred or run togather.
Head tilted to one side with out knowing it
Shakiness for no reason, chills.
Attack of not being able to breath, so much so that i feel like I'm going to pass out, accompanied with moderate squeezing pain in my chest.
Heart palpations
Weight gain
Lite dry cough(may be caused by cold unsure)
Shortness of breath when doing any physical activity or even sometimes talking
Dizziness, light headed XXXXXXX loss of balance when standing usually subsiding in about a minute but occasionally persisting longer
Last night i had a sharp pain in my heart it only lasted a second or two not sure if there were more when i was asleep or not
Confusion not being able to keep my days straight, hard to focus, hard to think I've always had some problems but there worse now.
Slight weakness with dizziness, light headed XXXXXXX and loss of balance but other than thous ones all symptoms are serrate from each other
Sometimes i have bright white spots before my eyes when i yawn
I went to get new glasses and the doctor said that there was some aging on my retinas i think thats what he said any how and that there was a lot of change in my eyes but just two years ago at my last appointment there was almost no change and no damage to my eyes
Thanks for writing your query.
It will be helpful if you please mention more details about your headaches like :-
1. Whether they are localized to one side or generalized?
2. Whether nausea is assoiated with headache?
3. Any history of head injury?
4. Any vision disturbance or pain in eyes related with headache?
I would also like to know about-
> Are you on some medication for any ailment?
> Does your chest pain radiate to some other location like left hand or back or jaw?
> Is your chest pain accompanied with perspiration?
> How is your sleep at night?
> Any history of mental tension?
Your answers to the above will help in giving you more better advice.
Based on what you described, I feel you might need to consult a Cardiologist and a Neurophysician and get yourself investigated. The following tests will helps us know your heart and brain status:
1. ECG and ECHO of heart
2. MRI of head and neck
3. Complete Blood Count
4. Thyroid Profile
5. Serum protein
6. Lipid Profile
I hope this is helpful to you. If you have more doubts, I will be happy to help.
Nausea is not usually with the headache execpt when i drive sometimes but i think that is motion sickness.
When i was younger i had fallen a few times and hit my head but other than that nothing.
As i said mostly the pain is behind either eye, light makes it worse no vision problems with it thou.
Im am not in any meds but i had taken ritalin a most of or a drug close to it i started as far as i can remember i started having the palpations about a year before i went off of it and they have gotten worst lately. I was also on birth control orthotricyclein(i hope u know what im tring to say i just cant spell very good)
The pain stayed in my chest it only happened once a few weeks ago and since then iv been short of breath, before the attack i had only the palpations but now i have all this other stuff. I was thinking maybe cuz of the palpations i had a blood clot and had a mild stroke, but im no doctor.
I dont no if i was sweating or not when i had the attack cuz i was showering at the time
I wake up a lot during the might but i can usually go back to sleep.
No mental tension iv always been pretty laid back not much worries me.
I forgot to mention that i have had the hiccups a lot lately and my scalp is more tender that before also im loseing more hair than i did before
Thanks for your response.
The headache described by you indicates towards Migraine and Cluster headache.
These are single sided headaches often increase due to some trigger factors.
Some common trigger factors of migraine headache are :-
1. Lack of sleep
2. Missed meal
3. During menstruation in females
4. Heavy physical exercise
5. Emotional/mental stress
6. Cigarette/Alcohol
7. Dairy products
8. Some foods containing MSG
You can observe which factor is triggering your headache and can avoid it.
In my opinion, you should still consult your physician for full medical examination and get the investigations mentioned above.
If you have any further questions, I will be happy to answer them.