Having Injured Elbow And Back. Having Pain In Shoulders. Diagnosed Bileteral Spraspinatus Tenditis And Adhesive Capsulitis. Remedy?

Laytly i have on left side locking my left leg symular with shoulder gp said my joints fisiotherapist mascule i maby nerve.Can you please tell me should i have neurologist or wich question to ask reumatologist and what you thik abaut haw i get problem with spine ?
My gp doctor diagnoses are- bileteral spraspinatus tenditis,adhesive capsulitis.
Mri cervical spine is c5-c6 moderate right central discophyta causing moderate cord impigment there is moderete to severe bileteral forminal narrowing impinging exiting c6 nerve roots.
The c6-c7 shows discophyta formination causing mild to moderete cord impigment.There is severe left forminal narrowing impigning the exiting left c7 nerve root.There is moderate right forminal narrowing.
The results presented by the results of the MRI are certainly not due to trauma or something. Discophyta are growths that come out of specific regions of spinal bones ( vertebrae) and the narrowing of the spinal foramina actually have no traumatic origin. These lesions usually might be asymptomatic (no symptoms but do become symptomatic with age or some stimulating factor). There are people in the general population with these lesions who really do never present with any pain or nerve damage. The intensity of the pain or symptoms depends on the degree of nerve compression and intensity of narrowing of the foramina.
Bilateral supraspinatus tendinitis and adhesive capsulitis might actually have nothing to do with the spine. An appropriate diagnosis with a rheumatologist of very necessary. Physiotherapy could be of utmost help. Intracapsular injections of Calcitonine are very helpful under these circumstances in case your rheumatologist confirms this diagnosis.
With respect to the discophyata and narrowing foramina, they can be present and not cause symptoms. To attribute the pain to any of these, a perfect neurological examination is very necessary. I strongly think it deserves the expertise of a NEUROSURGEON. Book appointments for a Rheumatologist and a Neurosurgeon. I suggest you also do an electrolyte panel for Calcium levels, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium. Measuring blood Calcium and Vitamin D levels could be important.
While waiting, You might use a gastric sparing anti inflammatory drug (Cyclo oxygenase inhibitor), an analgesic like Acetaminophen and a local anti inflammatory drug, like Diclofenac coupled with physiotherapy till you XXXXXXX your rheumatologist and Neurosurgeon could be helpful.
Thanks and will be glad answering further specific questions if need be. Wishing you good health. Kind regards.
Bain LE, MD.

May frst 4 fingers are so afected in both hands right more i have pince and namboling tru hole hands and fingers little one is horobole with pins and na..
Sometimes i jast tach to rest my hands beaside my body in sofa once i lend them they will go all in pins and lots of mascule spasam had to this is oll hapening since february may shoulder problem start in XXXXXXX last year i had fall in year 2011 bat not lots problem after this one you can tell i wos healty perfectly beafore all of this.
Also you think it is posibole to have surgical realive of my prblem (spine problem).Thank you. Your's truly E.I.
Asymptomatic means some people have the health condition but never experience any signs or symptoms of disease.
The symptoms you experience in your fingers are an indication that there is already nerve compression or destruction at the level of the nerve trunks that supply the regions of your hands. The nerves that supply your hands actually originate from your spine and is called the brachial plexus. Spinal degenerative disease of growths can cause like sensations, which to me , are very compatible with what you are experiencing. Muscle spasms could also be explained by these. But common causes of muscle spasm like low Calcium levels, Low Vitamin D levels and low Magnesium levels in blood must be screened for and excluded too during the diagnostic work up.
The treatment usually from the beginning could be medical. With the expertise of the Neurosurgeon, a careful examination to identify the area of compression, could lead to surgery and release of the nerve being compressed leading to a great relief and at times definitive treatment. It is at the discretion of the neurosurgeon to start with medical treatment, or to proceed directly to surgical treatment.
I still suggest its a brilliant idea top have a consultation with your Neurosurgeon, and the rheumatologist. Both to me are of great importance. Thanks and kind regards.
Bain LE, MD.

She sent me at neurologist after i go for ultrasaund of wrist wos poibole carpel tunel syndrom he check me up on one mashine he said your nervs are jast ok.you dont have brachial plexus after i went to mri of spine it shows like i wrote urlier to you,then i go to eye specialist i notice my eye leed faling more XXXXXXX bothering me on right eye she said maby you have shoulder problem i should sent you back to neurologist she did reffer me.I told that to my gp doctor she said no he olredy test you for brachial plexus you dont have that and she said on the end eye speshialist said it is " possibole "she did not say you have it,i told my gp that he also said my nervs are ok. After mri shows they are not ok like my feelings in hands i also told her maby that mashine feild can happen nothing is perfect on end a call neurologist sekretary told her all abaut she said neurologist asking to sent to him mri of spine i did on tusday this week please her to get me back i have problems she said no wory since then nobady call me.I ask my famely back in march to give me reumatologist to help me when i contact you she did not give me refferal.I ask agein 3 weeks ago she gave me one bat when I resrch that reumatologist dont take you in time 3 to 6 months then one my frend gave me his reumatologist name he said he is in good standing with same he will call me right awey,i did go to my gp on this past monday told her i have name for new reumatologist he will take me and told her that her reumatologist still did not call back she said she sent her request for more information abaut me i said anyway sent to this one to then any one frst call i will go. That is all abaut my lack or not lack with doctors ," what is your opinion abaut all of this " -if i ever get reumatologist i will tell her or him all hopuly she or he will get me in good manegment program.
I tank you from botom of my heart.
I forgot to write you abaut eye doctor full diagnosis " possibole horner-syndrom"on right eye.
Horner's syndrome if actually present could reflect a problem at the level of the neck with nerves called sympathetic nerves. It could be associated with dropping of the eye lid on this side, pupil constricting and reduced sweating on this side. Tumors,dilation of blood vessels are common causes.
I understand it might be very difficult to cope with such a situation, or with opinions from too many physicians at a Time. But, I would pray and advise you that to the best of m y knowledge, and for your utmost interest at this point in time, what you need most now is a NEUROSURGEON, not and neurologist, but a NEUROSURGEON's opinion, and the opinion later of a rheumatologist. The neurosurgeon shall diagnose the nerve compression (brachial plexus) if present, confirm or refute Horner's syndrome while searching for a possible causes, and propose an appropriate management option based on these findings. Its after these consultations and reevaluation that a clear way forward could be very reasonable and for sure successful.
I hope to have answered your questions, but feel free asking any specific questions if I neglected or forgot any of your particular concerns. Kind regards as I wish you good health.
Bain LE, MD.

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