Having Itchy Skin From Several Days. Itching More At Night. Suggestions
Thanks for your query
I understand that both of you have this problem since months now, so it is very difficult to cope up with an intensely itchy skin condition for so long.
But since both of you have it since months together, then the only possibility that comes to my mind is that of scabies.
But before coming to the diagnosis, I would like to have a look at the skin rash that you are having.
It would be great if you can click some close up pictures of the skin rash and upload them here on this page. You can also email the pictures to YYYY@YYYY with subject line as “attention to Dr. Geetika Paul”.
I would really like to have a look at the kind of rash that you both have.
Also, it would be great if you can provide the following details:
What are the sites over body where itching is maximum?
Are there any genital lesions in the form of itchy raised lesions in your partner?
Anyone else in the family or close contacts with similar complaints?
What was the treatment that you have both taken for scabies? What was the medicine and the method of application? And when was this treatment taken?
I am sure that I will be of help to you once you provide me a detailed history .
Waiting for your response
Dr Geetika Paul