Having Lone Artrial Firbrillation. Is It Safe To Travel?
The diagnosis is lone artrial firbrillation demands that many cormobid medical conditions be excluded first, and usually deserves intensive biological, electricardiographic and cardiac ultrasound exams. I suppose its been done in your case.
With LONE artrial fibrillation, Life style considerations must be carefully examined.
How much alcohol have you consumed lately if you do?
What do you experience with exercise or straining?
No special treatment is to be actually given to patients with LONE.
But it would be interesting getting a consultation from your physician to see if you are eligible for anti coagulation therapy. But if you have seen your cardiologist lately, and his clinical evaluation is uneventful, I suggest you could travel without any fears.
I suggest you follow the guidelines and advice of your cardiologist. If your most recent clinical booking had nothing remarkable, you could travel normally. In case there was an issue, it might be necessary for you to visit your treating cardiologist first.
Thanks and hope this helps.Do not hesitate asking further questions if need be.
Best regards and best of health,
Dr Luchuo, MD.
Its very good the tests were normal, and good enough you do not drink. You just need to stay very calm. In this case, you need nothing special to travel.
Just be calm and hope you are going to have a nice trip. With normal tests, altitude in such circumstances, with an unremarkable toxicological history, especially with alcohol is not a major call for concern.
Wishing you the best of health.
Luchuo, MD.