Question: HI doc, I do have a couple questions... .
I have a couple things going on with my neck area that are concerning.
- First, I have a
lymph node just under my ear (my best guess is ext. jugular node) that has been prominent for many months. I had it ultrasounded last week and is normal, but I do have discomfort.. an ache that emits from there and the ache works it's way down my neck into the
clavicle area...
- Secondly, on that same side of my throat as I swallow... one of my muscles on the throat bulges out when I swallow. This also has been there for months... the doc looked at it and didn't have any thoughts on it.
- My
TSH test have been very normal for years.
- I do have
chronic rhinitis which I battle all the time,
- I have had a scope down my nose, down my throat, upper gi... etc.
The challenge I have is the ache or discomfort and all this seems connected. I don't know if it is or not, but makes me wonder. I have poked and felt all around my throat, etc and so has the doctor. I don't feel any other lumps, bumps or odd stuff.