Having Mild Wheezing Problems With Blockage Nose. Underwent A Inguinal Hernia Surgery. Anything Wrong?

i have been having a mild blockage in one nose - it keeps shifting from one nose to the other - some time the left , some times the right nose - so i tend to breath with the nostril which is free of blockage either the right or the left.In a day it keeps changing from left to right... The blockage is like some Flem like thing....when i clear the flem there will be relief for some time to both nostrils .... but then after a short while the same issue will crop up again....
I must tell you that this is not a new problem for me...
I have been having this condition for many years now..... say for the last 10 yrs atleast....
Infact, when i learnt yoga 10 yrs ago, i told my yoga master that i have some issue with breathing comfort through one nose only at a time, he would say, have a brisk walk /jump aggressively - and then there will be free breathing through both nostrils... for some time...during which time... i will do my yoga ( pranayama - the inhalation/exhalation excecises) ..... but then again ..... this mild blockage will be there after some time....
Its been going on like this for many years now....
By Gods Grace, it has NOT BEEN disturbing my life all along... except that i used to get colds more frequently ( say twice a month/runny nose and i used to take cetzine tab and it would become alright... i have not taken cetzine tablets more than 10 to 20 tablets in a year...one/two strips of 10 tablets XXXXXXX for one year....) ( i live in Hyderabad in India... i have been having mild wheezing problems at night times and so for the last 10 yrs and i take one puff of Forocort 200 everyday..also just for your information, i take Amlong 5 mg/one tab a day- for my BP control and Tonact 5 mg/one tablet a day for Cholestrol control- for the last 7 years......also i underwent a inguinal hernia surgery in AUG 2008 .... this is all about my medical history.....)
In the last say 12 months .... , i tend to have problem with smooth breathing ( one side nostril is mildly blocked).....along with nuisances in the nose, like colds ( runny nose)for some days /nose block with flem - on some other days.......... some days it will be clear and good also 9but fewer days like this in a month)....... but i feel a need to be able to breath more freely through both nostrils and this mild blockage in either of the nostrils which keeps shifting from one nostril to another .... is what is causing concerns and discomfort to me.....
I want to be able to breath freely through both my nostrils.....
what medication would you prescribe to solve this problem.
Iam not inclined for taking a surgery to correct this. Is there way out without surgery.....
Pls adv.... thanks Dr...
Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your query regarding alternate nasal obstruction on either nostrils. This is your chronic problem for last many years. Along with this you feel attack of cold little bit frequent.
Considering your symptoms it appears that you are having most probably turbinate hypertrophy. To confirm this you are advice for C.T.scan of paranasal sinuses. By this single investigation your real pathology can be detected, My past experience indicate it towards turbinate hypertrophy.
You have this problem for quite long time therefore it is less likely to be managed by medicines. You can try xylometazoline nasal spray to get some relief. but if in C.T.scan sinuses are foud normal than TURBINATE REDUCTION proceedure can solve your problem.
Now a day this is done by the LASER and COBLATION. Both these are very comfortable and there is no need for admission in hospital. This is not an operation, here under local anaesthesia radiofrequency waves (coblation) are delevered over hypertrophied turbinates. As soon as the waves enter inside the turbinates they shrinks immidiately.
I hope your query is explaned well, buteven if any doubt feel free to ask.

Thank you for your quick and clear answer.
As advised by you i will take a CT Scan and then get back to you...
I have some clarifications to ask- would you kindly reply them please....
1. If i want to live WITHOUT undergoing any procedures, can i live like this by tolerating this problem...only with medication....
2. cost of CT Scan ( very approx is enough..)
3. In Turbinate Reduction procedure :
a. will there be any scar on nose area after the laser and coblation treatment
b. how long is the procedure ( very approx duration..)- how many days leave will i have to take / should i need assistance of any body after procedure and for approx how long to get back to normal life....)
c. Hope it is not a life threatening procedure... ( approx risk percentage.....)
d.cost of Turbinate reduction procedure ( very approx cost in a city like Hyderabad...)
I await your adv and thanking you in advance for your answers
Best regards
Welcome again in H.C.M. for clarification of your doubts.
Here I would like to answer your questions in the same order as you have asked.
(1) You can live without any proceedure but there are always chances of side effects of medication whatsoever you will take. Secondarily blocked nose may compell you to become mouth breather and this may land you on copd (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
(2) Cost of C.T.scan of paranasal sinuses at Kanpur is Rs 2000/=
(3) Regarding Turbinate reduction-
(a) Not leave any scar over nose because it is an intranasal proceedure.
(b) This is an ultra short proceedure and takes hardly 10 to15 minutes.
(c) In this proceedure usually no threat to life.
(d) For cost of proceedure- Here at kanpur I am doing this very frquentally at Kulwanti hospital kakadeo kanpur ( U.P.). But cost at Hydrabad that I can't tell. Here I will suggest you that you may consult Dr meghnath at Hydrabad he is expertice for this and sinus surgery , you can XXXXXXX him at vaishnavi hospital near kath ka pull Hydrabad.

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