Having Pain In Abdominal Area, Passing Thick White Watery Clumps After Having Sex. Cause?
Thanks for writing.
The first possibility in your case is a genital infection of which yeast (candidiasis) infection to be specific. It usually presents with thick curdy ( cottage cheese)discharge with redness and itching in the genital area. After sexual activity since vaginal discharge is more due to orgasm you are likely to notice at that time.
Genital infection do result in fatigue and abdominal pain.
Prolapse uterus also predisposes for the same.
You should consult a gynecologist for a complete XXXXXXX examination and treatment. An ultrasound of abdomen would also be useful.
Proper washing of genital area with water after sex and use of toilet is necessary to maintain adequate hygiene.
Also I would advise you to get your blood sugar tested to rule out diabetes. This is because you say you have numbness of feet and tingling which require evaluation for the same. Fungal ( yeast) infections are also more common in diabetes.
I hope I have answered you.
Kindly revert back if you have further queries.