Having Pain In Stomach While Standing Or Sitting. Medical Test Normal. What's Wrong?
The ultrasound helps to rule out gallstones and also
any enlargement of liver which is on the right side.
I am assuming the test you had for reflux was an
The organ close to the liver is a portion of the large
bowel called "Hepatic Flexure".There is a twist at
that point.Sometimes, intestinal gas gets trapped
in that area and changing positions will displace
the gas making it worse or better.
If you have a tendency to have more gas, you can
try over the counter medications like Gas-X or
Phazyme three times a day after meals.If you eat
lot of bean products, there is "Beano" product.
Check to see if you have lactose or gluten sensitivity.
There is a breath test for lactose problem and
blood tests for Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
Gently rubbing the abdomen starting from right
lower side,across the top and around the left,
few times helps to move the gas.
Peppermint oil, one half teaspoon mixed with
a half a glass of water.
Sometimes,pinched nerve under the rib cage can
givepain as well.
Hope this information helps you.
Wish you well.
Since you tell me that you had this on and off for a long
time, I don't think you have to worry about cancer.
If you were losing weight ,losing appetite,show some
lumps in the stomach area etc, then you need to have
additional testing done. My guess is that you have a mild form
of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and have trapped gas in that
part of the colon called the hepatic flexure.
It can olny be muscle related or cartilage (Rib ) related.
Wish you well.
Thank you for your kind comments.
As for IBS, there is no special test, blood or
x-rays. It is a matter of sitting down and talking
to you about your symptoms. There iare criteria
that the doctors use called "The Rome III criteria XXXXXXX
which is based on the symptoms.
Of course we have to make sure a person does
not have any alarm symptoms such as bleeding,
weight loss, loss of appetite, fever etc.
If these are absent, then we think of IBS diagnosis.
Hope this helps.