Having Premature Ejaculation, Lose Erection And Getting Cold Sweat. Is This A Psychological Problem?
Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.
I would like to appreciate for explaining your problem in such details.
After going through your description it appears that you are suffering from a condition called pre-mature ejaculation. This is more of a psychological problem where in you come early than you are expected leading to failure of erection as is happening in your case. You are right is thinking that pressure of sex or performance does increase this problem.
The solution:
1) Increase the time of foreplay as much as you can.
2) While masturbating just stop the stimulation as soon as you get the feeling of imminent ejaculation. And practice it many times.
3) Try to constrict the place from where you pass stools. This will lead to a contraction of muscles around the penis as well. This part also needs regualr exercise.
4) Practice relaxation exercises, meditation and yoga .
5) lastly if nothing improves, then there are certain drug like paroxetine and dapoxetine which increases the time of having sex and will surely help.
Hope I am able to answer your concerns.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
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Wish you good health,
Dr. Srikanth Reddy M.D.
Its exactly as you have understood. It will give you proper control. Do it at-least a 100 times in a day.It will strengthen your muscles.
Thanks and regards,
Dr. Srikanth M Reddy MD