Having Reddish And Blackish Cough. Increased Snoring. Help?
Thanks for your query.
As per your statement you have cough with wheezing for the last 1 year. For wheezing you have been given Tab Deriphylline 150 mg. Now you are coughing out reddish/black materials and your throat gets dried in the morning. You are having snoring also.
All these indicates that You have spasm which produces difficulty in breathing for which you have prescribed with Tab Deriphylline.
Investgations needed for you for coughing out reddish/black materials and snoring:
Complete blood count and an chest xray.
ENT examination for snoring as well as for wheezing also.
With this investigations we can arrive at a diagnosis of all your symptoms and then treat the cause
Sometime sleep monitoring for sleep apnea (snoring).
If there is no specific etiology is found out, treatment is
empirical Antibiotic + bronchodilators + avoiding allergens of any etiology and cold climate.
Snoring needs decongestant nasal sprays.
If snoring is severe consult a pulmonologist and you may have to use a machine called CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) a particular type of ventilation therapy to maintain oxygenation.
Wishing a speedy recovery.
Best Wishes,