Having Serious Abdominal Pain And Pain Is Worse. Have Nausea And Depression. Suggest The Treatment To Get Relief From Pain?

Pain starts in low abdomen behind the navel then radiates out to lower left and right abdomen and into lower groin behind the sacrum. If I push on the perineum it hurts more and worsens in the abdominal area. It also aggravates the sciatic nerve ...
Pain is sharp at the spot in the abdomen. It feels like its just in front of the sacrum and deep behind the Navel . its deep and pulsates ,the area surrounding it pulsates with a burn and throbbing sensation. This pain generally never stops and is constant. The severity of pain changes but never seems to go lower than a 4 of 10 . I have had several ct scans with no unusual results, An Endoscopy in 2009 with 2 biopsy's that were clean. Urinalysis clean blood-work and vitals are all text book normal. Eating aggravates it and elimination is normal when c diff is gone. Pain is constant and doesn't leave after deification. It hurts more when defecating. No Crones disease has been found, everything comes back normal. The frequency of these attacks and emergency visits have increased as has the pain severity and duration. Pain seems to move around the abdomen now after the initial stabbing in the area mentioned above. I already minor IBS and this isnt related that pain is entirely a different sensation and goes away with diarrhea after elimination. My Ibs flares are rare ( 2 in the last 4 years) but they aggravate this condition. These pain attacks can last days and or weeks and the throbbing is there even with 62 micro patch time release fentanyl and 20 mg morphine oral. Tonight its sharpest in the area above the perenium and behind and just below my navel and it feels like a jab that shoots into the rectum and the base of the penis ... its also radiating from there into both hips. The hips are sore and worsen with weight or walking. I almost collapse when getting out of a car.
I live in Calgary AB Canada and the theory is there is invisable damage to the colon / visceral nerve system that is causing this pain and each time the c diff gets in there it makes it worse ... I have profuse sweats that seem random in nature , and when I exercise I sweat unbvelivably compared to everyone else in my yoga class ... Hot yoga is worse... Light Jogging for 2-5 mins makes me sweat like I ran a mile.
I have bouts of neasea from pain and I take Ondanstran for it , I have Depression so bad that I am monitored by a psychologist and a psychiatrist and am on several anti depressants to both alieveiate pain and the suicidal tendancies ... Living like this isnt living its just surviving and I hate it. I was an active healthy person before this all began.
I don't know what to do or where to go ... The Gastro specialists here are not good ones and have 5 times now give a diagnosis of IBS, When I got a second opinion from Emerge and testing it turned out to be Reccurent C Diff again. Now the Cdiff is gone and I am in unbearable pain . THe Gastro here are also notorious for sayingeverything is IBS and there are literaly hundreds of people going to BC XXXXXXX Washington and Edmonton for tratment because they have such a terrible reputation.
I am at my wits end , I finally have a useful good GP but we don't know what to do next ... Plkease help .
Hello XXXX, Thank you for the query.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mr. DJ(James) Rouse,
Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.
You have given a very elaborate description about your disease. This is not usually given by patients and I appreciate you for that.
But in Homoeopathic case taking what is more required is to get the details about the patient. Here in your case, you have given very little information about YOU. That means you have to get back to me again with the maximum possible information about YOU, your life situations, your reactions to them, your past history including your childhood and family history, past diseases, their treatments etc.
I can assist you to prepare your case by sending a case taking format, attached herewith, in which you can enter your case in detail. You can expand it to any extent and forward it back to me at the earliest. Your purpose has to be to make me know fully about your constitution and genetically inherited tendencies in the physical and mental plains.
After studying YOU I will suggest the right Homoeopathic treatment for you.
In the mean time please try to avoid all the chemical drugs and wait for the right curative Homoeopathic remedy.
You have to pay special attention to the life situation before the onset of all these problems and to what particular psychological conflict converted you to the present state. There must have had an unexpected or shocking incident or situation in your life to produce the present state.
There is no need to get depressed, because Homoeopathy can cure YOU first and then all your physical and mental complaints will be relieved. You are very young and the beautiful life is ahead. Homoeopathy will offer healthful days in future.
With Best wishes,
Dr. C. J. Varghese,
(This is only a frame work to help you to develop your case. You can expand your case to any extent. But try to help the physician to understand your genetic dispositions, individuality and constitution in the physical and mental plain. )
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Occupation
5. Financial Status
6. Social status
7. Religion
8. Address
9. Contact no
10. Email address
11. Mother tongue
1. Since when the complaints started
2. Onset sudden or gradual
3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension
4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left
5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions
6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings…
7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast
8. Probable or final diagnosis
1. Since when the complaints started
2. Onset sudden or gradual
3. Pain –its duration, how long it remains, how it comes and goes, its character, its extension
4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left
5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions
6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings…
7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast
8. Probable or final diagnosis
1. Never well since like vaccination, pneumonia, typhoid, malaria etc.
2. Any suppressive treatment like ointments for skin, laser therapy for stones, corrective surgery for eye etc.
3. Emotions that precipitate the disease every time
4. Emotional conflict happened just prior to the onset of disease that remain unresolved
5. How from lower layers of tissues the disease shifted to more important and higher layers of tissues
6. Chronological journey of disease- how you started with first sickness, next what happened , then what etc. till you developed the present state of illness.
1. Father
2. Mother
3. Paternal Grand Father
4. Paternal Grand Mother
5. Siblings, in order
6. Paternal uncles and aunts
7. Maternal uncles and aunts
1. Menses in detail
2. Complaints before, during and after menses
3. Menarche (onset) age, early, late etc.
4. Menopause (stoppage ) normal, early, late, complaints during.
5. Children born, living, dead.
6. Abortions, Miscarriages, delivery normal or surgical
1. Any medication, Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Homoeopatic
2. Allergic sensitivity to any drug
3. Over use or abuse of drugs
4. Any affection / side effects of taking drugs
1. General health
2. Presenting complaints
1. Appearance: built, structure, height, weight, complexion, face, skin, warts, moles, discolouration, pigmentation etc.
2. Speed: of talking, eating, working, walking,
3. Thermals: Sensitivity to cold or heat, can tolerate heat or cold better, need or fan / ac, need of warm clothes, covers uncovers during sleep, takes warm or cold bath…
4. Appetite: normal, increased or decreased, peculiarities in eating habits, veg/non-ves, desires, cravings and aversions, aggravation and ameliorations, intolerances and ailments from particular tastes and items of food, prefer cold, warm or hot food,
5. Thirst: quantity of water drinking in a day, thirsty during night, drinks by habit or by feeling thirsty, during meals only or drinks in between, throat and mouth getting dry, cold or room temperature, warm or hot water, fruit juices, other drinks
6. Stool: habits, frequency, difficulties, any complaints before, during, and after.
7. Urine: any difficulty, any complaint
8. Sleep: sound/ disturbed, deep comatose or catnap- alert, easily waking, restless, tossing about in bed, position in sleep, salivation during etc.
9. Dreams: good/ bad, frightful, repetitive, related to family, work, death, dead bodies, accidents etc.
10. Side: which side is predominantly or frequently affected,
11. Sensitivities: to sun, noise, light, tight clothing, touch, strong or perfume smell, rain, cloudy weather, winds, moon phases etc., how affected and how much…
12. Senses: vision, smell hearing, touch, taste, extra sensory perception etc.
13. Habits: smoking, drinking, chewing etc.
1. Family, single, married, staying together, multiple partners, staying with whom, joint family, nuclear family, mutual relationships etc.
2. Job, salary, working conditions, job satisfaction, work site conflicts,
3. Education, diligence for gathering or updating knowledge, eligibility or qualified for the job, laziness to study or to exert mentally,
4. Expressive or non expressive, extrovert or introvert, vivacious or quiet, loquacious or silent, loud talker, sweet talker, self praise, open hearted, foolish talking, lewd or talking about sex, expansive, changing subjects, talking about money, health, religion, talking to himself, jesting etc.
5. Communicative, easily starting conversation, easily mixing with strangers, sharing feelings with others, prefers to be in company or solitude
6. Intellect: studied by self, or pushed by others, how handles work, intellectually sharp or slow, concentration and comprehension easy, reading desires, idiocy or childishness, making mistakes while talking and writing, good and quick or bad and slow in making decisions, indecisive or yielding to the opinion of others, etc.
7. Diligence or non diligence, regular or not in going to school, work , office etc.
8. Morals: respecting rules and morality, sensitive to values
9. Will: good and confident in handling responsibilities alone and in critical situations, or wanting support always, reacting or supporting injustice, strong or weak willed, confident or timid, dependant or courageous, optimistic, persevering and positive or pessimis, bashful or embarrassment.
10. Memory: good or bad, recollecting events of the past, remembering numbers and names, active or weak , any forgetfulness…
11. Nature or disposition: angry or mild, yielding or haughty, weeping, sarcastic, contemptuous, apprehensive, fearful , contented or discontented , quarrelsome, fighter, revolting or indifferent etc.
12. Emotions: when getting angry how reacts, anger expressed or suppressed, expressed even to elders, keep thinking about the issue for long or can forget or forgive easily, sentimental or sensitive, sympathetic to the point of forgetting one’s own needs, involved in XXXXXXX or social service, grieved, affectionate, jealousy, rage etc
13. Sensitivity: to behaviour of others, rudeness, criticism, reproach, contradiction of others, relationship, social position, success or failure, money, admonition, ego, appreciation, injustice, to the surroundings, cleanliness mania, nature, animals, music, religion etc.
14. Anxiety about conscience, health, children, family, future, salvation, about trifles, for others, apprehension, anticipation, punctuality,
15. Attachment: to career, position, family, friends, name and fame, money,
16. Consolation desires, ameliorates, aggravates, appreciation craves,
17. Fears: any fixed fear
XI N.B: You can expand the case to any extent for making the physician understand your life situations and your genetic and constitutional reactions to them so that the physician can very easily understand your individualistic and characteristic features, both physical and mental and thus arrive at your curative remedy, the SIMILIMUM.

(This is only a frame work to help you to develop your case. You can expand your case to any extent. But try to help the physician to understand your genetic dispositions, individuality and constitution in the physical and mental plain. )
1. Name DJ Rouse
2. Age 37
3. Sex m
4. Occupation : Government investigator fo Canada Revenue
5. Financial Status : On med Leave
6. Social status
7. Religion : Agnostic
8. Address : Calgary Alberta Canada
9. Contact no 403 508 9964
10. Email address YYYY@YYYY
11. Mother tongue : English
1. Since when the complaints started Late 2009
2. Onset sudden or gradual: Sudden after C Difficile
3. Pain – Lasting sometimes days and weeks , Never below a 2 / 10 And in constant throbbing pulsating senstation , then about every 10 days an excruciating severe sharp pain in the abdomen
4. Side of affection - Left or Right, from left to right or from right to left, upper left and lower right or upper right and lower left ( Lower abdomon both left and right Mostly in the center.
5. Aggravating or ameliorating factors or conditions : Stress and strain aggrivates it and can trigger "attacks" but most of the time the pain just starts from waking and escalates throughout the day. On "Bad Days" my pain escalates exponentialy untill I have to go to emergency and have them use IV Morphene and Hydromorph to calm it.
6. Supportive investigations and reports, diagnosis, findings… I have had 10 CT scans ( Nothing seen) Blood Tsts ( All normal ) Colonoscopy in 2009 with Biopsy (NORMAL) Enterography ( Normal)
7. Speed of development of disease - slow or fast : Its getting worse by the year. But the level of pain for the last few months has been gradualy getting worse.
8. Probable or final diagnosis : The Diagnosis I have currently is Post C Difficile Neuralgia ( Nerve Damage to the colon)
III ASSOCIATED COMPLAINTS / OTHER DISEASES None : Only Depression and severe anxiety brought on by this pain
1. Meningitis at age 6 and 14 . Right leg ran over by a car at age 6 C Difficile at age 34 ( Developed toxic Mega colon then after antibiotics for years the c diff left ... Now the pain is constant.)
2. Any suppressive treatment like ointments for skin, laser therapy for stones, corrective surgery for eye etc.
3. Emotions that precipitate the disease every time: None that I know
4. Emotional conflict happened just prior to the onset of disease that remain unresolved : none
5. How from lower layers of tissues the disease shifted to more important and higher layers of tissues : I dont understand this question.
6. Chronological journey of disease- how you started with first sickness, next what happened , then what etc. till you developed the present state of illness. In 2009 I had a cancer screening by colonosopy. My mother wasx diagnosed with colon caqncer at age 44 and I was 34 so I was immediately High risk. I was on antibiotics at the time. The GI specialist tried to say it was just IBS untill 3 days later I developed severe and Antibiotic resistant C Diff. From 2009 - 2012 it was constant , Positive c diff test , antibiotics, then fine for a few weeks then c diff again ... in Feb 2012 I beat it , Pain this entire time was constaqnt burning and throbbing with neaswea, Sweats and always feeling cold. Severe bouts of insomnia and depression started because I dont feel like I am living life but surviving it. The pain is throbbing and escalates about every 8 - 14 days to an un controllable point. After seeing an Anesthesiologist and pain specialist its their opinion that its nerve damage from the c diff. We have been treating it with Fentanal Patches and Morphiene. I tested positive for C diff again a month ago and it made everything worse and they had to raise my dosages.
1. Father - Not Much Known he was violently abusive and beat me from birth to age 16 when I ran away from home and was emancipated after he threatened to kill the social worker when I went to live with my grandparents.
2. Mother - Cysts in her spinal column, Diabetes, Osteo Arthrightis, TMJ, Ceiliac Disease, Hystorectomy at my birth due to hemmoraging, ( I have been screened for all of this but the cycts in spinal cord as they say its not likely)
3. Paternal Grand Father - quaduple bypas in 1988 hypertention and arythmia death from prostate cancer in 2002.
4. Paternal Grand Mother - alcoholic , had to have 3/4 of stomach removed from alcoholism causing large ulcers. Smoker untill 68 death by Embolysm at age 72
5. Siblings, in order NONE
6. Paternal uncles and aunts : Maternal aunt has Chrones ( i was tested, they say I dont have it) Another aunt has Parkinsons, Paternal Unkle Died of stroke at 47 he was an alcoholic ( I am not)
1. Any medication, Allopathic, Ayurvedic or Homoeopatic
2. Allergic sensitivity to any drug : penicillin allergy ( anaphalactic) sweat and temperature reactions to perkoset, Severe panic attacks from immovane.
3. Over use or abuse of drugs: none
4. Any affection / side effects of taking drugs
1. General health
2. Presenting complaints
1. Appearance: built average , structure168 Lbs and 5ft 8inches, height, weight, Clear complexion, small moles on back , Light pigmentation blue eyes, dark blond hair etc.
2. Speed: talking walking etc normal , Eating has slowed and often affects pain levels bad.
3. Thermals: Sensitivity to cold AND heat, Hot baths help the abdominal pain , feet constantly cold and always needing heating pad, Sensitive to temp change need ac in anything over 25 C and heat must be at or above 17 C or im cold
4. Appetite: decreased, cravings and aversions to milk and breads, Sensitive to heavy creams and homoginized milk over 2%, Preffer food hot.
5. Thirst: Always Dehydrated , drinking 10 - 15 cups of water / day, thirsty during night, by feeling thirsty, drinks in between meals, throat and mouth getting dry, cold or room temperature, fruit juices, some Diet cola and water,
6. Stool: habits, : Normal and pain is the same before and after movement , Pain durring movement increases.
7. Urine: no Difficulty ( Dark) Tested its normal.
8. Sleep: disturbed, catnap- alert, easily waking, restless, tossing about in bed, position in sleep: On Left side, salivation occaisionaly.
9. Dreams: good/ bad repetitive,Have PTSD related to family and rtelationship trauma. PTSD comes and goes usually involving incidents of violence I relive that I have blocked in early childhood or teen years.
11. Sensitivities: to sun, noise, light, tight clothing, touch, At times severe but for the most part just an irritation. When I have a pain attack light touching and even constrictive undergarment band bothers abdomen.
12. Senses: all senses normal
13. Habits: Quit smoking in 2005 smoked for 4 years.
1. staying together - in long term stable XXXXXXX relationship of 11 years , I have suspiscions of partner cheating but its very unlikely , he inisists he doesnt.
2. High Stress job , but currently stress due to bills from money issues as Im on Diasability.
3. Education, diligence for gathering or updating knowledge qualified for the job very Diligent , College education , but didnt finish as I started to get headaches and familly issues ( my grandparents raised me and died when I was in college and I cant afford to go back)
4. Expressive, extrovert, vivacious eloquacious , sweet talker, open hearted,
5. VERY Communicative, easily starting conversation, easily mixing with strangers, sharing feelings with others, prefers to be in company.
6. Intellect: studied by self intellectually sharp , concentration WAS easy before the drugs and antidepressants now its not. comprehension easy, read a book about 3 times a year . good and quick in making decisions,independant thinker and decisive.
7. Diligent regular or not able to work because of pain frequencey and durration. Before this set in I was dependaqble and loved my work. I miss work , office friends etc.
8. Morals: respecting rules and morality, sensitive to values and mores.
9. Will: good and confident in handling responsibilities alone and in critical situations, confident courageous, optimistic, persevering and a bit of a pessimist
10. Memory: good , recollecting events of the past, remembering numbers and names not so good.
11. Nature or disposition: mild, sarcastic, contemptuous, fearful , contented.
12. Emotions: when getting angry anger expressed keep thinking about the issue for long times. sentimental or sensitive, sympathetic to the point of forgetting one’s own needs, involved in XXXXXXX and social service,affectionate, lead by my passions and a bit of a sensualist.
13. Sensitivity: to behaviour of others criticism, success or failure, money, injustice, to the surroundings, Loves nature, animals, music, Hates religion.
14. Anxiety about conscience, health, future, for others, apprehension, anticipation, punctual,
15. Attachment: attached to career, worked hard to get the position im in , family, friends, mean alot to me.
17. Fears: death , petrified I will have cancer and leave my partner alone with bills.
Im frustrated with being sick all the time and its wearing on my attitude .
I hope this is sufficient. Today was particularly a bad day with pain growing from the moment I woke till late evening and then I got controll with my breaqktherough medication ( Morphiene)
Hello XXXX, Thank you.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the detailed case.
I will now go through the case and study well .
In case if any clarification is needed then I will again ask you.
In the mean time, if you get pain take the medication but to the minimum dose.
When my medicine starts its action, you will be able to reduce the dose.
I understand your condition and I will take all my sincere effort to help you through Homoeopathy.
In the mean time, let me know whether you can purchase the medicine in your locality, Alberta, Canada or by any other way.
With Best Wishes,
Dr. C. J. Varghese,

I can purchase most remedies available in the us here as there are health food and other stores (Chinese Medecine) that are available in Calgary ( 1.4 million people here ) or in my other city Vancouver 4 million there ... So usually I have no issue buying I have tried loads of Homeopathic remedies all were VERY expensive and really didnt work but I will try anything now
detailed below
Detailed Answer:
I can imagine your disappointment about the treatments taken so far including Homoeopathy.
So, I want that this medicine should give you relief.
I have taken out the following points from the case you provided about your genetic tendencies and have finally come to the remedy. They are:
1. Intelligent
2. Communicative
3. Anxiety, about your health
4. Hypersensitive
5. Anxiety conscience
6. Courageous
7. Thirsty
8. Heat and cold<
9. < Tight clothing > loosening clothes
10. Sensual
11. Homosexual
12. Loquacious
13. Expressive
14. Vivacious
15. Suspicious
16. Contemptuous
17. Sarcastic
18. Censorious
19. Religious feeling want of
20. Sleep restless and tossing about in bed, superficial or light
21. Sympathetic,
22. Confident
23. < Sun light
You can forget about these things. These are all your genetic features, I have understood from the case provided and recorded for future reference.
Try once more with Homoeopathy. Be hopeful about it . Be positive.
My prescription is
LACHESIS 10 M - 1 dose
Take it at the night when you purchase it. Wait for the action for few days. The intensity of your pain will come down. It will cure you thereafter.
You can repeat the dose if the pain is reappearing and troubling you again. Abstain from repeating as long as you are better from pains and other suffering. Always remember that this medicine is YOUR medicine and not a mere pain killer. You will get cured, I hope and wish.
You can contact me again after one month.
Please do not lose hope in Homoeopathy . It only can CURE you. You are very young and strong in your inside and you can be cured with right genetically selected remedy. I believe my selection is the most suitable remedy for you.
If you are satisfied by my method of treatment you can close this by writing a review and sending it.
Please be reminded about the limitations of online treatment of such a serious disease condition. I have taken your case as a challenge to show you the effect of right Homoeopathic treatment.
With Best Wishes,
Dr C. J. Varghese,

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