Having Small Bump On Back. Seems Like A Bug Bite. What Can This Be?
I was in the woods a lot the last 3 days and so a bug bite seemed logical to me but it doesn't look like anything I have ever seen. Please help.
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Small bump on back with a hole most probably points towards to skin cyst.
It occurs due to blockage in oil secreting glands in our body and there is collection of cheesy material around a sac-forming cyst. Such glands are present over back in large numbers.
A cyst could occur secondary to infections or as a foreign body reaction.
Sometimes stings of insects may remain in our body and a cyst may form around it.
Other possibility is acne cyst, but it is somewhat unusual in your age. Uploading photograph of your lesion will help in a much better way. You have a feature to upload the image by yourself on the right side of this query page. You may want to utilize it.
Application of hot fomentation for 8 to 10 days will help in resolution of cyst material and its drainage.
You also need to take oral anti-inflammatory drugs and oral antibiotics. You may need a prescription for it.
Sometimes they do not respond to medical line of treatment and they have to be removed surgically.
I hope this can solve your query. In case of concerns, I will be happy to help you. Take care.
Could you let me know what you think after you look at these pictures. Do I need to go to a local dermatologist? My family doctor? Or is this something that will go away on its own if I leave it alone.
Here is a picture of the lesion I was trying to describe.
this picture was taken after I squeezed it quite a bit to see if it would help. It didn't.
Thanks for follow up.
The lesion shows an inflamed border with a central hole. It most likely is secondary to insect bite reaction.
You can wait and watch for 3 to 4 days. Apply warm compresses over it. Antiinflammatory pain killers like motrin can be helpful. Do not try to manipulate it again.
If swelling and redness do not resolve, then it will be better to consult dermatologist.
In any case do not try to squeeze the lesion and remove anything from hole.This can lead to more redness and swelling.
I hope this can solve your query. If you still have any concerns feel free to ask.
Take care