Having White Spots On Back And Groin Area. Could It Be Vitiligo Or Tinea Versicolor?
Hi sorry me again I have taken a couple of quick photos to aid my description which I believe alot but as my spots tend to vary in colour etc. But for some reason can't seem to attach them do u have an email address I could send them to please it would be a great help thankyou.
My main questions are that : if you agree with my gp that it seems to be versi colour once treated, can I use the tanning bed again or will it likely keep re- appearing? Is it possible for my husband to contract this or my child while I have the spots? Is vitilgo a possibility? Additionally Do u think my body sweat while tanning could have blocked the light getting to these areas and perhaps these spots are more a case were that skin just hasn't tanned because of that? Also it is possible to have a mixture of 2 skin infections at once as the colour varies so much some red-brownish with the ring others just white and patchy
Thanks for writing in.
I can understand your anxiety about white spots and possibility of vitiligo.
You can mail me the photos to
I will get them.
Yes tinea versicolor can cause intense white lesions which may resemble and confuse with vitiligo.
Also it can cause dark color rings .So versicolor can cause dark and white patches in same patient.We see such cases everyday.Thats why its called "versicolor".
Sure test for versicolor which can differentiate it from vitiligo is presence of fine scaling on scratching the affected area.
Vitiligo will not have scales while versicolor will show fine scales better appreciated by hand lens.You can try this at home.
And also mail me or upload photos so that I can say with confidence whether it is vitiligo or versicolor .
Hope this helps.
Photo(1) : This the one on my back on not on a too aggravated day
Photo(2) : This is one large patch which it underneath on the inside of my fore arm ( the white flaky bits were cream that I just applied before photo)
Photo(3) : This one a bit clearer for groin area three spots fairly sized one dark brown another red with the faint ring around
Photo(4) : Wrote to you yesterday evening In regards to vitilgo vs tine versicolor these are the pix ... Let me know what you think . Thankyou
This 1 st one is of my inner thigh ( close to groin area)Photo(5) : Me again these ones are the ones that confuse me the most. to the right up the top you can see the reddish patches with the distant ring around them the lower ones are similar to the ones on my llonf
thankyou kindly
Thanks for details.
Ive gone through your photos.
you have tinea versicolor on neck n back.
On limbs you have tinea carporis i.e dermatophytic fungal infection of skin.
Tinea versicolor does not cause scarring.
Fungus is killed in 15 days of treatment but skin color recovery takes 2-3 months.
Stand in sunlight for 10 min in early morning hours.Uv spectrum of morning sunlight causes pigmentation of skin and helps in rapid recovery of skin color.
Antifungal tablets do not cause any tingling or soreness the cause for it must be different.
Hope ive cleared your queries.
Pls accept the answer and rate it at the end if you dont have any further query.
Wishing you good health.
Could you tell me once I finish my 2 wk dosage of anti fungal tablets @(3 times a day) is it likely that this will re appear easily now? Every time I sweat or whatever is it that contributed me to getting it initially? Also is it possible for my child to contract this from me as he is only 2 and still sleeps with me. And finally is it necessary for me to still attend my dermatologist appt . In 3 wks just to double confirm as I'm happy to go but there fees are very expensive do you sugguest I should still go for added assurance.
And with the last pic I sent u of my leg ( thigh) did u notice the white spots at the bottom are they also versi color as u didn't mention them many many thanks XXXXXX
Tinea versicolor can reoccur over the time but not immediately.
It has a tendency to reoccur but not in 3 months of treatment.
Use some antidandruff shampoo regularly to prevent reocuurance of the versicolor.
Please continue the medication and finish the course . If after that also there are remaining lesions you can visit dermatologist for review.It is not vitiligo for sure.
Not on your thighs also.
Hope this helps you .
If you dont have any further queries please accept the answer and rate it at the end.
There is no need to treat your baby and husband.
Only if they develop XXXXXX skin lesions like you then only treatment should be started.
Hope this helps.
Wishing you good health.