Hepitis A Positive And Low Bilirubin. Stomach Ache And Fever After Eating Oily Fish. What's Wrong?
Thank you for posting a query.
Firstly, the bilirubin level of 5.2 is not okay to have oily fish. Your body cannot tolerate this right now. In hepatitis A it is common to have fever. So, it is just a part of the disease. You can take paracetamol group of drug along with pantoprazole group of drug right now to get relief from fever and stomach ache.
But this is not due to bile stone. The condition is definitely due to the fish meal.
Most importantly, be strict about the diet. It is really important. If you take oily meals more, then your recovery will be delayed.
So, consult with your treating doctor for the drugs mentioned above.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.