High Blood Pressure, Work Related Stress. Taking Atenolol Daily. How Can High Blood Pressure Be Controlled?
Thanks for posting your query.
A blood pressure of 142/100 on medication is on a higher side. It seems that one drug is not sufficient to control his blood pressure. He needs a complete evaluation and revision of treatment. Taking a combination of drugs like ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers will be helpful along with atenolol in controlling his blood pressure.
I encourage you to consult his physician for both evaluation and revision of his treatment for proper blood pressure control.
Some simple lifestyle modifications that will help him are-
Try to avoid staying up nights, use good lighting at work, try to reduce stress by taking frequent breaks at work, get 6-8 hours of sleep daily, do Yoga, Pranayam for stress relief as well. Kindly refrain from smoking, using tobacco of any kind, avoid high calorie meals, avoid junk food, stick to a low salt diet, eat plenty of fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables. Drink enough water. Exercise daily by brisk walking daily for 40 minutes.
Hope this answers your query. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Wishing you good health.