High Hypertension. Is The Medifast Diet Responsible For Increased Blood Pressure?
First of all, I think you might benifet by coming to the realisation that "Hypertension" is a very over-treated "disease". These expensive and hugely profitable drugs, as you are now taking, are being pushed at doctors by the pharmaceutical industry for the benefit of their share holders. Just research that scenario for yourself.
For example, by how much has the introduction for these antihypertensive drugs extended human life expectancy? Not by much I think research will tell you.
And secondly, 144/94, or for that matter, 168/98, are not, as you say "very high". If you take into consideration the "White Coat Effect", your blood pressure readings are in fact normal.
One way to determine true hypertension from situational hypertension is to carry out a 24 hour blood pressure monitoring. If you are still worried, have this done. My guess is that it will be normal and that in-fact you do not need any BP treatment.
Please keep well.
Thank you for your follow up question.
I don't think that your Medifast B6 etc is playing any role in your supposed hypertension. It is neither elevating nor lowering it.
I would also like to emphasize that stress is a well documented elevator of BP. If you have a lot of stress in your life, try to minimise it. Or better still get rid of it altogether out of your life.
Good health!