I have been on Metropolol for 4 weeks, prescribed for palpitations (400 in 24 hrs. per monitor) 50 mg. Also I have white coat syndrome, sometimes pressure rises, been under a great deal of stress, mostly apprehension re: heart tests, etc. Cardiologist says metropolol is good for bp also. I have a monitor, pressure is lower at home, only rises when I maybe active 150/62, pulse in the 70 s and has been as low as 112/60. Still I take readings to the Dr. to let him see that it really is when I am under stress. 50mg made me tired ( Cardio said it would be sluggish), I do feel calmer, had to do 25 twice a day. Still I can fall asleep sitting watching TV and that is not me. I think I could try 25 per day, that is how I started out, but my pressure in theDr. office was 162/63 so he changed it to 50. Now I notice my pressure is higher anywhere from 112 to 175 with the bottom # in the 70 s and my pulse in the 60 s. My Dr. didn t mention the fact that it was compared to at home readings, also because I am calmer in office reading was only 136/62 He thought all the numbers were good, but yet they were higher than before when I took them at home. I don t get it, I thought BP meds reduced your pressure.