Question: Hi. I saw a doctor recently for a sudden of multiple symptoms. I am 25 and a otherwise healthy. I have had a few surgeries for normal things like tonsils and
appendix and my tubes are tied. My doctor thinks I may have a
brain tumor or pituitary tumor or both. HOW CAN THIS BE? He did an MRI and a bunch of blood work but I won't know until next week what the results are. In the mean time I am dedicated to finding out anything I can about other possible, less scary, things. Please let me know what it sounds like to you. about 2 years ago I began to have excruciating pain during my menstral cycle. I had an endometrial ablasion in March 2013 and have not had problems since. about a year ago my eye sight started to get fuzzy. I can still see but not so great out the sides of my eyes in the past month I have began to se double. In January of 2013 I went on a diet and reached my goal weight of 180 lbs. I was originally 205 lbs. and had stayed at that weight for three years. I kept the weight off for about a month when all of a sudden my weight was increasing rapidly!! By may I was 235 lbs. In the beginning of XXXXXXX I began the diet again this time upping my exercise to 30 min on a bike 5 days a week and yoga 3 days a week. I also take an herbal reason. In the last week of XXXXXXX I began to have trouble staying asleep. I was having many
nightmares.I associated this to the anniversary of my fathers suicide. I suffer from P.T.S.D. and this is normal around this time except he passed on July 9th 2008 and I usually only have this issue maybe 2 days before that date. When I told this to my Mother she said some years will be harder than others so I shrugged it off. The problem is that the first week of July I started to stay up for 24 hour at a time. This happened twice in that week and the other nights were the same as before. I couldn't fathom this because usually when I have a brief spout of
insomnia I feel a lot of
anxiety or stress. This is different. when I lay down it is like my mind shuts off but my body wont sleep. The following week was worse. I actually stayed up for 48 hours straight. then the third week I stayed up for 119 hours. Yes that's right 119 hours with absolutely no sleep. That is when I went into the doctor. Now on the second week of irregular sleep I began to notice my eye twitching and
tingling in both feet and hands. around the same time I began to feel a slight, mildly painful, pressure in my fore head and behind my eyes. Also over the past 6 or 7 months I have had a sharp splitting headache when straining and when bending and getting up to fast. It hurts so bad I actually black out. other than that no regular head aches. In the third week of bad sleep I began
vomiting every other morning and had
loose stool. I also would be so week and shaky that It was hard to stay standing to make my kids breakfast. this goes away as the day drags on and pops up to say hello unexpectedly. Also that week I bagan to have
hallucinations. I got really quit upset thinking I was going crazy. Also in the past 3 or 4 weeks I have been sweating uncontrollably and being so hot my hubby and kids have to wear blankets and slippers in the house to stay warm. I have been much more irritable lately and that really sucks for the people around me because I am naturally like that anyways. I drink 15 to 16 glasses of water a day and I am still PARCHED! After going to the doctors and taking the tests he gave me Lunesta,
Cymbalta, and hydroxidone to help me sleep and with
depression until Monday when I go back. I got two good nights of sleep and then last night even with the pills I didn't sleep a wink!! I am still having hallucinations and seeing things in double and slow motion. My hands and feet are still tingling and the left ones have been getting numb on and off. also while typing my left pinky, ring, and middle fingers will not move. Yesterday morning when I woke up I was really shaky again and once it calmed I went out side for a cig and some tea when a neighbor called my name. I looked behind me to the left to reply and when I went to turn my head back my shoulder neck and head started twitching uncontrollable for maybe 4 or 5 seconds. afterwards I was very dizzy and nautious feeling. this happened two or three time yesterday but seems to be fine today. I find my self being very confused while performing every day things. I am loosing time. like I don't remember hours out of my day or days out of my week. I know they are there I just can't find them. When I was at my doctors and getting ready to have the MRI I couldn't remember what it was for and the doctors had to explain it to me again. Yesterday my son asked me for a bath and I said yeah but wait a few min. The next ting I remember is my older son telling me the bathtub was too full. I got angry and yelled at the kids and asked them why on earth would they turn on the tub without an adult. They all swear I turned it on. I don't know if I did or not because I cannot account for that time. I forget everything!! from why I came to the store to where I put the keys to putting milk away in the pantry instead of the fridge. My sex drive has gone through the roof!!!! no matter what it just seems like I CAN'T get enough!!! I can't concentrate on things at all. It has takin me 4 times the amount it should have to write this message and I have had to start at the beginning a few times to remember what I was trying to say. I am A HUGE reader and English fanatic yet when I open a book I read the same paragraph 4 or 5 times then get frustrated and quit. I can't remember how to spell the simplest of words and can't remember grammar in lots of cases. If you really knew me you would know how unusual that is for me. My husband and sister are helping me write this as we speak. Well That's all of my symptoms and examples. A few other things you might want to know is that I was diagnosed with P.T.S.D. Depression, and anxiety when I was age 8. I have tried a few meds here and there but have been doing intensive therapy for 8 years that seems to work great for me. I am fully functional in society and work full time. I HATE painkillers and even with surgeries in the past I only took them for a few days. I startd smoking cigs and marijuana at age 12 and continued until age 16 when I became pregnant with my oldest son. I stayed quit all through the
pregnancy and 12 months that I nursed. When I was done nursing a began cigs again but not marijuana 5 months later I became pregnant with my middle child and quit again and this time stayed quit until 2012 when my third child was done nursing. That year I began having the pain with my period and was prescribed medical marjuana for pain and inflammation. I only smoke when I was on my period and never any other time. once I had my surgery I quit. In the past 3 weeks I have been using it maybe 2 times a week to help relieve the headache pressure and to help sleep. I have never used any other illegal drugs EVER in my life. Hope you hav some insight!!