History Of Seronegative Spondiloarthropathy And Acute Sinusitis. Why Have I Started Losing Weight?
Thank you for the query.
Weight lost can be a symptom of disease as well as decreased food intake. If you did not changed any diet habits it is advisable to rule some diseases out. You should also have B12 shortage diagnostics as this one can be also a symptom of disease.
Diseases that can cause such symptoms are: stomach cancer (can cause both weight lost and B12 shortage), large intestine cancer and all other cancers, parasites infection, tuberculosis and many more.
B12 shortage is also very common in vegetarians.
It is advisable for you to have upper GI endoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, colonoscopy, chest CT.
And if you could attach your blood test which were performed.
Only after ruling out all this diseases, you may start thinking about weight gaining.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Thank you for the query.
To find the reason of B12 deficiency it is necessary to rule out all diseases causing it. For sure meat is the main source of B12 for humans and it would be much easier to start eating meat and see if this is the solution.
Chronic atrophic gastritis and associated with it autoimmune Addison-Biermer anemia can cause such B12 deficiency as well as many others gastric diseases. So the upper GI endoscopy with samples collection for histopathology will be a very good way to rule them out.
Constipations should be checked with colonoscopy. So as you can see, advised tests needs to be done to explain what is going on.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.