How Can I Treat A Flutter In My Chest?
Thanks for the Query.
It would be better if you could answer the following questions.
1.) Do you have chest pain?
2.) Do you have shortness of breath?
3.) Do you have Palpitations?
Rheumatic Fever affects Heart Valves which may cause:
1.) Valve Stenosis (narrowing of the valve)
2.) Valve regurgitation (inability to completely close the valves)
3.) Damage to heart muscle, leading to Heart Murmurs and Palpitation and low blood Pressure.
Your History suggests these conditions. My suggestion to you is to get yourself examined by a Cardiologist. Blood work up, urinalysis, ECG and echocardiography is entailed.
Meanwhile the following lifestyle modifications could help:
1.) Eat healthy nutritious balanced diet which should include fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables
2.) Avoid stress and Practice relaxation techniques like yoga and Meditation
3.) Get adequate rest
4.) Stick to your treatment plan and go for regular follow up.
Hope I have answered your Query, I will be available to answer your follow up Queries.
Wish you Good Health.
Take Care.
Thank you for writing back.
Your Follow up history suggests you heart is damaged which in your case is due to Rheumatic Fever.
It could be either Valvular damage or Heart muscle damage. Your CPK is extremely high which suggests this.
In your Case your symptoms could be due to,
1.) Myocarditis
2.) Endocarditis.
As I said earlier, you should be seeing a Cardiologist and get yourself examined at the earliest.
He/she may examine you and order a
1.) EKG
2.) 2D-ECHO
to rule out if you have a Myocardial Infarction or the above mentioned conditions. After the causative factor is confirmed, the treatment will depend upon the cause.
Follow the lifestyle modifications which i have suggested earlier, limit your salt intake to less than 2000mg per day, stick to your treatment plan and go for regular follow up.
Wish you Good Health.
Take Care.