How Can Frequent Vaginitis Be Treated?
I'm not sexual active, and menopause
Check your blood sugar level.
Detailed Answer:
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Whether you’ve had a infection before or not, here are some ways to prevent or avoid having one in the future:
Wearing Cotton Underwear
Tight-fitting clothing, especially clothing that’s made out of man-made materials — like nylon and polyester — can hold in moisture. Yeast likes to grow in dark, moist places. Experts recommend that women wear cotton underwear or at least underwear with cotton lining in the crotch. Cotton allows more air to flow through the genital area.
Products such as scented tampons or pads, certain soaps, and detergents can irritate your vagina, causing an imbalance in the natural bacteria. Use unscented items and gentle cleansers. Avoid using powders and fragrant sprays in the genital area.
Proper Hygiene
We advises women against douching. This is because it can kill good bacteria in the vagina that prevent infections. Instead, you should clean only the outside areas of your vagina with gentle soap and water.
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Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.
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