How Can Pimples Around The Vagina Be Treated?
Don't use any soap or cream , wait few days
Detailed Answer:
Hello! Thank you for asking HealthCareMagic.
I have gone through your question.
Pimples in the area could be caused by a lot of reassons: Hair ingrown (this happen after you shave the area ), snall cyst , eczema ( allergic dermatitis from using soap , medication ,the area is sensitive ), folliculitis ( inflammation of the hair follicules) ,virus infection and the worse case could be a early sign of cancer ...
So i would recommend to stop using any cream ( no hemorrhoid cream , you may be allergic), keep the area clean ,don't shave it , wash with water.If the pimples don't go away in a few days, i would advice to be seen by a local for further evaluation.
Hope i have answered your question.
Let me know if you have any further clarifications, i will be happy to help.
Take Care !
Dr Balliu