How Does Orthostatic Hypotension Cause Chest Pain?
I'm male 30 years old. normal bp and blood lipids.
Not worrisome unless other symptoms are present...
Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
I have read your medical history carefully and understood your concerns.
I am happy to know that you are conducting a healthy lifestyle and diet regimen.
Orthostatic hypotension is usually associated with dizziness and blurred vision, while in very rare cases, chest pain might be present.
To my opinion, the chest pain you had might be related to panic/anxiety attack you had. Having a previous stressful/work-overloaded day can also exarcerbate the pain (due to inflammation of nerves and muscles).
If your bp is normal and blood lipids are normal, then, there is nothing worrisome.
Unless, the pain is felt under your jaw or left arm/shoulder, and associated with difficulties in breathing (shortness of breathe=dyspnea).
Otherwise, nothing worrisome.
Hope you will be as healthy as you are now!
If anything else, do not hesitate to contact me again!