Question: In August 2013, went to Gyn to get help with excessive bleeding that caused Anemia. Gyn did a pap; normal, vaginal ultra sound; fibroid, lumpy uterus and endo biopsy; normal. Gyn suggested the Novasure ablation and I agreed. At pre-op appointment, Gyn suggested a
hysteroscopy and d&c along with the ablation. I agreed to this as well. September 2013, hysteroscopy found that a had a large fibroid that was left in, a lot of polyps that was removed and that the ablation went well. At 2 week post-op, Gyn stated that my lab report from the d&c showed that I have complex
endometrial hyperplasia without atypia and that it can lead to
endometrial cancer but I shouldn't be worried about it because I did the ablation and he'll (Gyn) see me in 2 years.
I am 45 years old, going to be 46 this year. Has been experiencing the mood swings, hot flashes,
night sweats,
melasma to name a few. I am not currently being treated for the complex endometrial hyperplasia w/o atypia and/or the perimenopause. My mom passed at 60 years old due to complications from being diagnosed with numerous cancers; breast, pancreatic and large cell lung. Both of her sisters died before the age of 60; one from
ovarian cancer and the other from
colon cancer.
My question is, should I be worried that I am not being treated for the complex endometrial hyperplasia w/o atypia?
P.S. Still break out and suffer from cramping every month, but no period since the the 2nd month after the ablation.