How Is HPV Infection Transmitted?
I tried to be careful but still rubbed my eyes two to three times afterwards....
Now Will the warts on her neck give me warts on my fingers or eyelids or the places i touched with those fingers..what are the chances of HPV in the given Incident??
Kindly see detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, welcome to HCM forum.
I have gone through your query and understand your concern.
HPV infection can be transmitted from person to person by direct contact.
Although the chance is LOW, the exact risk/incidence of such transmission is not known.
Chance of transmission increases if the skin on the site of origin or inoculation is abraded.
The chance is very low in adults(common in children and youngers) with normal immunologic status.
Also, this is a benign lesion that mostly resolves spontaneously.
If needed, can be treated by minor procedures (cryosurgery, electrocautery, excision, laser etc) or topical agents (salicylic acid, cantharidin, podophyllum etc). A dermatologist can help in treatment.
In short, right now you need not worry much. Watch for any lesions in the exposed areas- the incubation period is usually 2-3 months.
Remember to clean your hands well with soap and water after further exposure.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wishing you good health.
Thank you.
Does it mean that i ll get warts on my fingers and eyelids(due to touching the eyelids with my fingers)???
Exact incidence is unknown.
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear,
As I told earlier, the exact incidence /probability of transmission is unknown.
This is because, it varies from case to case and depend on many factors like the strain of virus involved, the immunological reaction of the host, presence of any epithelial breaks etc.
So, though low, definitely there is a chance of getting infected(both fingers and eyelids). But nothing more than wait and watch is needed. Hand sanitizer use on hands after contact may offer some protection.
Hope you got it cleared.
Thank you.