How Is HPV Transmitted?
Kindly give details of the query.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I can understand your concern for the positivity of HPV or simply saying warts in yourself.
HPV is one of the most simple viral infection and very well treatable. Generally it occurs within 4 weeks of contact.
I am not able to get from hour query that whether you have anything related to HPV in last 11 weeks. In view to help you best kindly tell me of you have experienced any kind of eruptions anywhere on genital area or any other site of body.
If you have any eruptions then can click the pictures and send it to me. For the same you have a feature on the right side of the page.
Hope to hear soon from your side.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD-DERMATOLOGY & Sexually transmitted diseases.
No chances of HPV infection. Just relax.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your swift response.
First and foremost let you come out of the aura of HPV. I reassure you fully that there are no chances or any possibility of HPV in your case.
Internet is flooded with so much of informations that we are really confused what information to use and what no to use. So please don't just get confused with any of information without an expert opinion.
In Generally if anyone has got HPV infection then gets manifested within 4 weeks of period. I quite often see your kind of anxious cases where the person is really very much confused and terrified regarding one or the other infections.
In your case you used a condom so there is practically no chance of getting the infection. It is self evident from the 11 weeks of symptom free period. It is the best of the time when I can comment that you don't have any chance of HPV.
There is no need to take any supplements or any vaccine for the same. Your protected sex is one of the most important criteria for all the above suggestions.
Just relax yourself and get on with your normal life.
I hope you must be relaxed to know all the facts. I'll be glad to guide you any further.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD-DERMATOLOGY & Sexually transmitted diseases.
No chances of HPV
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum.
I completely understand your concern and therefore your anxiety regarding the possibility of HPV.
I again fully reassure you that you don't have any chance of HPV. It is based on my my clinical and academic knowledge as well as my own clinical experience with patients in last 15 years.
The fisrt thing is that whether the other partner was infected or not. Have you had seen any eruptions on her genital or other areas. Even if we consider that she was infected then the most common chances are from vaginal part to the rim around the penis head. Condoms on one side protects the entire length of Penis and on the other side tip is always protected which is most prone for infection.
For the rest of the skin other than protected by condom is just skin to skin contact where practically least chances of infection are present. It also requires presence of warts in that opposing surface female coming in contact with your skin along with friction and repeated vigorous action for a cueing the infection.
As per my experience I can say that even if you were drunk but was at least in that sense to see whether or not the female had any eruptions. I can very firmly say that female must not had any eruptions.
Had you been within 4 weeks of exposure I would have guided differently. But as it is 11 weeks so is enough of time when I can fully reassure you for your healthy status.
You are most welcome to ask as many as questions you want and take guidance accordingly.
I hope these informations will relax your mind. I will be glad to answer any further queries.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia