How Is RA And Lymph Nodal Mass Treated ?
Thanks for writing to us.
Getting a lymph nodal mass on joint x-rays is very uncommon as lymph nodes are not located near the large joints of our body.
Getting only lymph node swellings is not diagnostic of tuberculosis. However Joint TB or bone TB is usually diagnosed by X-ray only. Did the doctor say about Bone TB?
Did you have any other blood tests or tuberculin skin test for the diagnosis?
AKT-4 tablets and R-cinex both are meant for the treatment of tuberculosis only.
Saaz DS and celedol are the drugs that you are taking for RA. It helps in the disease modification and slows down the progress of disease. If there are no confirmatory tests, I think your doctor is doing trials on both Bone TB and Rheumatoid arthritis without proper confirmation. You should confirm with him about it.
The symptoms you are having now are the side effects of the anti TB drugs you are taking and are not uncommon. You can ask your treating physician to try using another brand of antiTB agents to reduce the side effects. Do not discontinue the treatment due to side effects as this may lead to drug resistance.
In Bone TB, Joint pain is more common. Ofcourse weight loss, generalized fatigue, low grade fever are uncommon. You can go for selective tests for antibody against TB by ELISA to confirm the diagnosis.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. If there are additional concerns, I am available for your followups.
Multiple lobulated nonhomogeneously enhancing soft tissue density lessions along the right paratracheal,pretracheal,carnialand right hilar,largest measuring 3.7x2.3x3.8cm S/o conglomerate lymphnodal mass.
Discrete bilateral axillary nodes measuring 1.8x1.1cm
Antibody to Sm Antigen, serum by EIA Positive (24.54)
Positive: 20 and above
DNA (Double stranded) Antibody, serum Negative
Anti Nuclear Antibody-IFA 1:100 (positive)
Sputum for AFB Negative
Typing of Anemia
a) PCV (%) 35.32 Male-(40-54), Female(36-47)
b) MCV(fl) 72.7 82-97
c) MCH(pg) 20.7 27-32
d) MCHC(%) 28.5 32-36
ESR(Wintrob) 23mm
Liver Functional tests
Total serum Bilirubin 0.9
Direct (Conjugated Bilirubin) 0.3
Unconjugated Bilirubin (Indirect) 0.6
SGOT (AST) 38.4
SGPT (ALT) 26.5
Rhemothoid Factor (RF) IgG Antibody 292.8 U/mL
Rhemothoid Factor (RF) IgM Antibody 266.4 U/mL
Mountax test 25
and tablets iam using are
Tablet Name How to use
Goodvit Morning
Polybion 100mg Morning
Repraz 20 Night
Admax 100mg Morning
Saaz DS Morning -Night
Celedol 100mg Morning -Night
Akta 1 kit daily Before breakfast
Benadione ½ Night
wysolene Morning 1-Night 1/2
please suggest me am i going in right medical treatment.please suggest me
Thanks for writing back.
Having lymph nodal masses in the chest and axilla with positive mantoux test do point towards the TB but the diagnosis can be confirmed by ELISA test for Igm or IgG antibody against tubercular antigen.
The tests are positive for rheumatoid arthritis with anti- Sm ab positive and XXXXXXX positive.
I feel better now that you are getting the correct treatment. I would have put Repraz 20 in the morning empty stomach for a better effect. Ask this with your doctor.
Sincerely hope it will help.
Wishing you an early recovery.
Thank you giving reply very fast
can my arthrities get cured? is my Tb which i have is very dangerous? and which type of tb i have and is that contagious?can my tb cured completely? is there any relation for arthrities and tb? did arthrities came because of tb or vice versa?
RA is not a curable disease but definitely not debilitating as your family says or fears. You require early treatment and you will be fine. The symptoms can be relieved with medicines and further progress can be prevented upto some extent.
TB can be transmitted to other contacts of your family if they come in contact with your body secretions like saliva or blood. You will be fully cured of TB if you take the medicines properly and for full duration of treatment.
TB does lead to arthritis in normal cases. Your arthritis is an autoimmune disorder and not because of TB.
After you get fully cured of TB, you can very well get pregnant and produce babies. TB is a curable disease if the treatment is taken properly. There are no major disabilities like inability to walk, etc.
Be brave. You will be cured.
Wishing for your early recovery.
I do sympathize with you. Your diseases are not so serious so as to be a cause of divorce as Tuberculosis has a permanent cure and RA can have symptom free life. So, please discuss about with your husband and in laws and educate them regarding this. To avoid such drastic decisions like divorce.
Hope I was in any help for you.