How Is Dry Cough Treated ?
Thanks for writing to us.
Coughing in my opinion is an entirely different problem. In very remote cases there may be some dryness of throat due to decreased glandular secretions causing a dry irritative cough but such an effect due to radioiodine is seen within 1-2months of getting the treatment.
If the cough is dry without any expectoration or fever or any other symptoms like chest pain then usually it is an allergic cough. For relief, you can take these simple measures-
1. Take anti allergics like cetrizine or fexofenadine.
2. Use a humidifier in your room.
3. Take steroid sprays or inhalers after getting them prescribed by your physician.
If there are any other symptoms associated then it needs to be investigated for the cause.
I hope you have found my answer and recommendations to be both adequate and helpful. Should you have additional questions I am available to address them.