How Is Glossitis Treated ?
It doesn’t hurt; I can swallow and taste well.
Thanks for the query.
You are suffering from a minor entity called as Glossitis, it is a benign inflammation of tongue, secondary to some irritating factor like any drug, trauma, mineral water, occasionally viral, tobacco use in any form.
The treatment of this condition includes the following--
1- Quit any form of tobacco, or alcohol use(if you are taking it)
2- Avoid to take mineral water.
3- Drink plenty of water.
4- Avoid very hot food.
These were the general measures, now coming up to the specific medical treatment....
1- Apply some astringement locally over the tongue.
2- Take vitamin and mineral supplements.
3- Do betadine gargles, diluted with water at least 3 times a day.
4- Deworming drug single shot like albendazole 400 mg stat.
5- If you have sore throat like features in addition, then take a minor antibiotic.
Don't worry, it is a very common condition, and you will be all right in next 7 days, please just follow the above instructions.
Hope this will help you and I am available for the follow ups.