How Is Lower Left Epididymitis Treated ?
Let me first reassure you that what you have going on is very likely a benign process. Sometimes the epididymis can become enslaved. When this happens it can create some pain and swelling. The medical term for this is epididymitis. As far as the cause we do not have a known cause for this. It is not a sexually transmitted infection. It has nothing to do with hygiene . It is not related to any Cipro.
I also recommend that you start taking some anti-inflammatory medication. This might help with some of the swelling and pain. I like ibuprofen. You can take two or three tablets three times per day.
So what I recommend would be that you talk to your symptoms I would recommend that you consider seeing a urologist. A urologist can potentially do additional studies such as an ultrasound to rule out any other issues. Again I do not think you have a very XXXXXXX concern. I realize your symptoms are uncomfortable and I think you will get good results with the antibiotic as well as the ibuprofen.
Thank you again for submitting your question. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert.