How Long Does Lipitor Stay In The Blood Stream?
Possible to find very smalll amounts
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
It is true that traces of the drug would still be found in your blood. However, what is important in this case is not the mere presence of traces of the drug, but for the drug to be present in an appropriate concentrations and doses to cause the required health effects (therapeutic doses).
When the concentration of the drug are in sub optimal amounts, for sure as in your case now, the therapeutic goal or expected outcome will of course not be attained.
My suggestion is that you start taking the drug normally. DO NOT take extra doses to compensate for the mixed doses. Continue simply with the main recommended and prescribed dosage given to you by your doctor. Extra doses or amounts would produce unwanted effects and at times poisoning.
Continue with your drug normally. As to whether the drug is still found in blood, it is there but in very very low doses, not adequate to produce expected cholesterol lowering.
Kind regards
Dr Bain
No worries, get tested on the destined date
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the follow up question,
You will NOT need to wait in this case. IT is advised that you respect as much as possible your appointment date for your liver function tests. I am afraid a few days not on lipitor, this will of course not alter your LFT. So no worries.
Go back on your normal daily dosage of Lipitor, and get your tests done on the programmed date.
Kind regards