How Long Does Recovery From Tracheitis Take?
Check for bacterial infection, add an antibiotic and wacth keenly
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I agree with your doctor' s treatment plan for viral tracheitis. However, with persistence of these symptoms beyond the fourth day, I think it is worth considering that a complication must have set in. The commonest of these is a bacterial infection. Viral infections generally predispose terrains where bacteria could easily grow.
I think adding an antibiotic like Amoxicillin - Clavulinic Acid to the therapy you are using should be worth trying. In case you got the possibility to see your doctor for a review and examination, it would be the ideal.
In case treatment fails even on antibiotherapy, hospitalization might be needed. I think you are still far from this and need not worry much.
Thanks and kind regards as i wish you the best of health.
Dr Bain