Clindamycin that is an antibacterial drug is administered for throat infections (including
streptococcal infection). If penicillin or same group type medicine is ineffective, then clindamycin may be given. Clindamycin may also be given, if it is found to be effective against the causative infection by specific tests. Though, clindamycin is not effective against
mononucleosis, as it is an viral infection and clindamycin is not anti-viral. Simple means like adequate fluids, proper rest, healthy diet may help in its early recovery.
OTC analgesics may help in fever, pain &
sore throat. Still, some times streptococcal infection of throat & mononucleosis may be present simultaneously, hence in such cases, clindamycin may have its role. Definitely, clindamycin may also result in allergic symptoms in prone cases. Particularly, if one is suffering from membranous enterocolitis,
ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, use of clindamycin is strictly contra-indicated.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Satnarain Bansal, General & Family Physician