How Long Should Medication Be Taken For Fungal Infection On Buttocks?
Antifungal therapy needs to be taken for 6 weeks
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for choosing health care magic.
I understand your concern regarding fungal infection and its recurrence.
Your treating doctor has rightly treated you with effective anti fungal therapy.
Many patients respond within two weeks to this therapy but treatment should be continued at least for 6 weeks to prevent recurrence.
Few tips you can follow for faster healing:
1. Dry the affected area by wiping it with a clean towel and then apply the medicated powder/cream over the infected area.
2. Cover at least 2 cm of normal skin around the lesion with the medication for faster healing.
3. Topical application should be continued for at least a week after the symptoms disappear to prevent recurrence.
4. Avoid tight underwear and try to keep the affected dry as much as possible.
If your lesions do not heal after 6 weeks, you need to get a fungal culture and sensitivity done to find appropriate antifungal therapy to be used in your case as there is chances of resistance to anti fungal drugs.
I hope I have helped.
Please get back if any more queries.
Oozing is one of the symptoms
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
I understand your distress about the ooze, but it is one of the symptoms of tinea infection or fungal infection.
Some ooze could also be due to application of topical cream, as it has a oily base.
Please use a clean towel to wipe the ooze and then apply the medications over the affected area.
The ooze will reduce once the infection starts healing.
Please do not discontinue the prescribed antifungal therapy and the lesions will heal soon.
However, you can discuss the option of fungal culture and sensitivity with your treating doctor for more effective therapy if you are not responding appropriately to the prescribed medications.
Also keep the infected clean and dry as much as possible as there are chances of superimposed bacterial infection if hygiene is not maintained.
Please let me know if I can assist you further.