How To Get Rid Of Dark Under Arms And Dark Pubic Area?
Thanks for sharing your concern with us.
Darkening of underarms and pubic area is common concern with many ladies. The most common cause is Acanthosis Nigricans. It is a skin disorder in which there is darker, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases. It can be genetic/familial or due to obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism or medicine induced( steroids, hormonal therapy).
Treatment of the above consists of:
1) Treatment of the underlying medical problem: Weight reduction is the most important treatment of the above. Examination and correction of blood sugar levels may be necessary.
2) Retinoic acid cream (.05%) can be applied on the dark patches at night
3) Salicylic Acid containing creams allow the thicker skin to peel off from the affected areas.
4) Chemical peels: Trichloroacetic acid and Salicylic acid peel can be taken under the supervision of dermatologist to reduce the darker patches.
5) Do not use any deodorants, perfumes or any cosmetic preparations on the affected skin.
6) Avoid friction due to tight fitting clothes.
Hope the above is helpful to you. I will be happy to answer any follow up queries you have.
Wishing you good health,