How To Get Rid Of Recurring Callus On Big Toe?
How can I remove this permanently?
This can be recurring due to pressure exposure on that side.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking Health care magic forum.
I have gone through your query. Callus occurs due to the pressure on that points. It can be due to the shoe you use or the position your toes assume inside the shoe. So designing of shoes or foot wear which give less or no pressure on that point will be helpful. Putting cushions or soft pads between the toes also will be helpful.
Over the counter salicilic acid based preparation is helpful in removing the callus. If that is not helping surgical scraping also is helpful. But if pressure exposure is there this will occur again.
There are various footwear designing centers. You can approach them for a proper designing of your foot wear. A consultation with a podiatrician is well appreciated in case all these not working. He will guide you in such case.
Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything not clear.