How To Get The Discolouration On The Foot Treated After Fracture?
Thank you for the query,
The most common reason for pigmentation to develop is edema of the leg.This is a post inflammatory pigmentation following swelling of leg.During edema what happens is there is stasis of blood and lymph,which then gradually leads to pigmentation.
Another remote reason ,if I've to say would be use of anti cancer drugs which may also lead to pigmentation(but this seems to be unlikely in your case).
At times this pigmentation might gradually lead to eczema over the lesion ,called stasis eczema .
Treatment would consist of ample use of moisturizers and once daily use of a mild potent steroid cream .If there is no inflammation then you can even use a hydroquinone based cream at night.If the area is exposed to sunlight then use a sun blocking agent too in day time.Try keep your leg elevated while sleeping (keeping two pillow below leg) and avoid standing for long.
I hope there is no itching or burning sensation over the lesion.
Hope I have answered your query, I will be available to answer your follow up queries.