How To Increase Height?
Need more details please.
Detailed Answer:
Good day.
Noted the case history.
I would like to ask few questions.
1) at what age did he start to get puberty, pubic hair, voice change, facial hair, genital growth etc?
2) Did he have any problems soon after birth like low sodium and high potassium or failuure to thrive etc?
3) Has he been diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia ??
4) Did he have a sudden height acceleration compared to his peers before 9 years of age?
We need to find out why there was bone age acceleration. There are few conditions associated with this . Example: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Precocious puberty etc.
More than bone age, we need to look at his growth plates in Xray and epiphysis. We may need xrays of knees and hands including wrist.
Do you have an xray which you can attach to this ?
As per his dad's and Mom's height, his genetic final height prediction is
175.55 cm +/- 10 cm ( range of 165 cm to 185 cm). Now he is only 157.62 cm.
Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor which prevents conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This may be helpful, atleast partially.
Did he have a 17-Hydroxy progesterone test any time ??
Detailed Answer:
it is possible for him to have acquired his paternal grand father's genes and if that is the case, there is a chance of using Growth hormone ( we use that occasionally in familial short stature to promote height gain). Growth spurt in the age of 13-14 years is normal and voice breakage also is normal for that age. So he is going through his puberty and we expect a height gain of atleast 8-10 cm an year.
The important thing is to know why he had a bone age acceleration ? Those labs are important and i would be particularly interested if an IGF-1 or IGF-BP3 was done at anytime ?
Could you attach his growth charts as well?
Shall await the lab reports