How To Loose Weight?
Detailed answer...
Thanks for the query.
Loosing weight is a very important issue for many people but almost all of them feel that it is a very quick method and can be achieved by using medications.
Although there are few medications available but the real weight loss and sustainable weight loss can be achieved only by diet control and regular exercises.
Other than dieting and exercises,there are various additional issues which can derail your weight loss programme and this includes...
Low thyroid levels
Stress like physical,emotional,mental,environmental can play havoc
Lack of sleep.
So you must get tested for thyroid,sleep well and manage stress by yoga,meditation,deep breathing exercises and start dieting and doing regular exercises.
I will explain you the mathematics of weightloss which would make you realise that it is easy to loose weight provided you are disciplined and patient.
To lose one pound by exercising, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories. (2.2 pound is one kg).
This can be done by exercising and cutting calories.
Walking or jogging uses roughly 100 calories per mile.
One would lose a pound for every 35 miles of walk (provided food intake and other activities are constant.)
Walking briskly (4 miles per hour) for 30 minutes on five days a week will be equal to walking 10 miles a week. So it would take 3 ½ weeks to lose one pound (provided the number of calories stays the same.
Cutting back by 250 calories a day (½ cup of ice cream or two sugar-sweetened sodas) will lead to a loss of a pound in two weeks.
By eating 250 fewer calories and walking for 30 minutes a day, it would take a week to lose one pound.
What to do...
Avoid junk foods,sweets,colas,deep fried foods,saturated fats and transfats.
Consume more of green vegetables and fresh fruits.
Do regular exercises like cardio for 45 minutes a day.
In case you find it difficult to control your diet and do proper exercises,you can take the help of a dietician and a physical trainer.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
First of all I would advise you to rule out hypothyroidism by getting the thyroid function test done.
As far as diet plan is concerned ,it would be very appropriate and best for you to consult a dietician.A diet plan is based on various factors like..
Understanding the cultural values of the person
Understanding the liking and disliking of a person
Understanding the preference for veg or non veg food.
Understanding about the profession and day to day activity of a person.
All these factors enables a dietician to formulate a diet plan particularly tailor made for a person which can be modified from time to time.
I hope you get my point and get on to your goal by adopting a professional and disciplined approach.