Brief Answer:
This is not abnormal. Be happy
Detailed Answer:
You are not alone. There are so many people around the world who complains almost the same kind of problem. Absent mindedness is actually not a disease. We become absent minded when the tasks at hand are overwhelming or when we are mentally too busy. Sometimes
stress and
anxiety, distress, negative thinking, disappointment in life, failures, lack of concrete and achievable goals, meaningless life etc can also cause absent mindedness.
In our life we come across so many incidents which showcases absent mindedness. For example: We keep our car key somewhere and searches here and there. We do not get. Some other person tells you to sit and relax and take deep breath. We do, and then from nowhere, we remember where we kept the car key.
Yes. That simple. Is this absent mindedness? If yes every individual in this world are suffering from this problem. You are not alone.
Now is this abnormal? Definitely not. When so many people suffer from the same type of problem, it is supposed to be normal.
How to overcome this:
1. Just thinking that it is not a disease or disorder and it is a common phenomena gives you enough confidence to ignore it. If you start worrying about it the problem gets more and more prominent. You should not feel bad that you are not mentally fit. It is very common that human mind works abnormally under prolonged stress.
2. Know what you are intending to do in your life. Have an achievable goal. Set short, medium and long term goals. Stick to those. Have a meaning for your life.
3. You definitely have other areas of interests and aptitudes. Find them, understand them and use them.You can go for counseling session and aptitude testing which should help you to find your potential.
4. Absent mindedness is not
memory loss. It is temporary curtain over short term memory.
5. Accept that you are not born to have best self esteem & Do not push yourself to Do more, Forgive yourself , Love yourself, remember best days when you felt proud of yourself.
6. When CNS (
Central Nervous System) is so disturbed by stress. Its a biological fact that you will face issues with memory, emotional intelligence (crying often, mood swings etc). So, Firstly your nervous system should be cooled down to zero state where you are completely relaxed, with zero stress and thoughts in mind. This will help in CNS adjusting itself for getting healthier and this will improve hopefulness, confidence, peace of mind. Fact of mind is that the more you stress it the more stupidly it behaves.
7. There is a psychologically tested therapy
What is the therpy?
this is just a practice of striking of the alphabet 'e' in the text in your computer screen. Text alignment should not be in paragraphs it has to be justified(Ctrl+J in msword) not right/left justified. This E cut has to be done daily with exactly 12 hrs gap between . i.e like 8AM and 8PM. This practice will help in creating the thought cycles in mind and avoid mood swings and help in conquering of self.
Meditation should definitely help. Taking shallow deep breaths and watching the body movement during it for around 20 minutes (Mindfulness meditation) relaxes your nerves and provides you enough
oxygen to be stress free for 24 hours. Do it in morning after bath preferably.
9. You can always write down whatever you wants to remember.
10. Last, for your specific problem, Don't concentrate to what they say, just observe. Observe their clothes, eyes, mouth and whatever you want to observe. Automatically the words should enter your mind through ears. Don't worry.
Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.
Good luck.
Dr. K V Anand
For more visit : WWW.WWWW.WW