How To Remove Pimple Scars From Face? How Can Hair Fall Be Reduced?
I have 2 queries:
1. How can i remove pimple marks from my face.Since i have a oily skin i m scared to apply anything to my face.pls help me with this.
2. how can i reduce hairfall?
Thanks for the query.
Since when are you having acne problem and hair fall?
Do you also have dandruff problem?
There are many causes for these problems, commonly caused by Seborrheic dermatitis. This affects the skin sebaceous glands, and can cause severe dandruff, hair fall, oily skin, acne as well.
I would recommend you to use a gentle exfoliating cleansing lotion like CLEARASIL ULTRA Facewash which is very good to remove the oiliness from the skin and prevent pore blocks as well.
If you want to remove old pimple scars, it is highly advisable you discuss with your Dermatologist about a nice technology called Microabrasion. With this technique, the scars can be removed which is due to acne.
Hair fall could be due to the skin problem which needs steroid ointment which will be prescribed from your Dermatologist according to the clinical checkup.
Avoid eating oily or fatty diet, junk food, sunlight exposure. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables. Drink plenty of water. Do daily 40 minutes brisk walking.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Wishing good health.